Then, thanks to my Ethical Rag subsciption, I found out that ModCloth, a super cool site, has recently been buying from Mata Traders, a company that works with co-ops in India and Nepal. Very Cool! note: I can not speak as to whether all of ModCloth's clothes are ethically sourced. I have actually written to them to find out more because so little is available on the site, but have not heard back. It would be shocking to me if it was, however, just due to the sheer volume of goods they stock.
Well, on to what we've been wearing.
I spent the weekend in beautiful Sonoma county and sported my Noonday silver earrings all weekend. They no longer carry the particular ones I was wearing, but these are somewhat similar. Not sure if you can tell from this picture that Jonathan took of me while he was inside a Redwood tree, but there you have it.

I've also been wearing another pair of Noonday earrings (I heart my Noonday) this week. When I wore these earrings to pick up the boys from school, the fifth grade crossing guard told me (I swear), "I like your earrings." I mean, it doesn't get any better than that.
Adeline's been rockin' her new pink Chooze shoes. She loves that she didn't have to go to Africa to get them, and I love that they are so cute.
So that's what we've been wearing - how about you? Post pictures or comments and let us know!